Hi there!
For those who are struggling with their lessons due to the Covid19 pandemic, here is an easy game that you can enjoy with your students, and the players don't have to sit close together!
Guess who has which topic card. The person who collects the most cards wins! It's that simple.
Use 12 cards with the same border color and decide the target language (question) that you want to use in the game. Students should sit apart.
Place a second set of cards on the board or on a table where the students can see them, and turn over the cards they have guessed, so it's easier to see which cards are still in the game.
How to play
1. Deal the cards. (4 players get 3 cards each, 6 players, 2 cards each)
Make sure that other players can't see your cards!
2. Player 1 asks a question using the target language, and then adds a name, so you know who has to answer the question.
For example: "Are you watching TV?" "Jay!"
Because the name is called out last, all players have to listen carefully and think about their answer.
3. If Jay has the "watching TV" card, he answers: "Yes, I am"
Then Jay (or the teacher) passes the card to player 1.
Player 1 places the card "face up" on his/her desk for everybody to see and to distinguish it from his or her hand.
If Jay doesn't have the "watching TV" card, he answers "No, I'm not".
4. The next player (going clockwise) will continue and ask somebody a question.
! You are not allowed to ask somebody for a topic card which you are holding yourself.
If you run out of cards, you can still ask questions and collect cards!
You can also set the time for a game, so it will be easier to incorporate it into your lesson and it will add some extra excitement.
For students who can't read the cards yet, you can write numbers above the cards which the student use, and then you model the target language first ...
One extra set of cards on the whiteboard for the students to see which cards
are still in the game. Already guessed cards are (re)moved and turned around.
Are you _____ing _____?
Do you like to _____?
Do you want to _____?
Do you _____ every day?
Did you _____ yesterday?
Is _____ing _____ fun/good/interesting?
Do you think that _____ing _____ is fun/good/interesting/ a waste of time?
Practicing "Can you...?" questions.
Let he students add extra info such as time, location, object or an adjective to make an unsuitable card suitable.
Can you watch TV in your room?
Can you listen to music on your smartphone?
Can you go to the park tomorrow?
Can you eat spicy curry and rice?
It's a simple game, but I hope it helps!
Also, if you are looking for more ideas/games, check out the Thinking World Game Page.
Thanks for staying till the end!
The Pandemic will probably continue for some time, but let's keep giving our best!!
Till next time,
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