Bingo for All Levels

Hi there!

Are you ready for a game of Bingo?

Then download the full color Bingo cards from the download page and get started!  There are four different sets and each set consists out of 12 cards. (six A4 sheets per set)

Using bl&w photocopies....

You can use Bingo to introduce new target language, to review previously learned language or to sharpen your students' listening skills and keeping them on their toes, by mixing up the questions...

Bingo 3x3 Junior (uses only 12 Topic Cards)

Bingo 3x3 Free (uses 16  Topic Cards)

Bingo 3x3 Basic (uses 16  Topic Cards)

Bingo 3x4 Basic (uses 16  Topic Cards)

For more info (and a video) please check out the new Bingo Game page !

Have fun and till next time!
